
Rowena is a soprano hailing from Kent. A versatile singer, she is as comfortable on the stage in an operatic role as she is in a choral or consort setting. She graduated with an honours degree in Music at Durham University, where Rowena had some of her work published in the journal DURM.

During her time in Durham, Rowena was a member of the Durham Operatic Ensemble. Her operatic roles include The Queen of the Night in Mozart’s ‘Magic Flute’, and Tytania in Benjamin Britten’s ‘A Midsummer Nights Dream’. Rowena has also had various chorus roles.

Rowena is a keen concert soloist and recital giver, with recent engagements including Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle and Handel’s Messiah with Didcot Choral Society. She has given recitals in a wide range of styles, inlcluding Purcell, Brahms, Britten, and Rachmaninoff.

Rowena is an experienced consort and choral singer, having sung with in many Cathedrals around the country and churches in London. She is a member of the Matthaeus Consort, who sings frequently at the St Paul’s Cathedral and Southwark Cathedral, and also with the Gundulf Consort, who sings regularly in Rochester and Canterbury Cathedrals, as well as further afield in Himmerod Abbey, Germany.